
Monster Energy is a drink produced by Monster Beverage Corporation and has been present on the Polish market since 2012. In our country you can buy 10 variants of this drink. The Monster brand is the main sponsor of many sports and music events and a large group of athletes. It mainly supports rally sports, speedway or snowboarding. It is also the main sponsor of many computer games.


Product managed by

Department of FMCG:

Whatsapp: +48 668 005 030


EWA-BIS Sp. z o.o.

tel.: (22) 343 98 00

fax: (22) 343 98 10


addr.: 25 Serwituty Str.

02-233 Warsaw

NIP: 521-008-45-08 / KRS: 0000086953 / Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy XIII wydział Gospodarczy KRS / Kapitał zakładowy 100 000 PLN

EWA-BIS Sp. z o.o. - Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone © 2018