Spinach, kale, aloe

45% apple puree, 32% apple juice from concentrated juice, 15% banana puree, 3% aloe vera, 2.5% puree from spinach, 2.45% kale puree, 0.05% chlorophyll.

Spinach is a rich source of beta-carotene, magnesium, vitamin C and antioxidants. Spinach leaves have anti-cancer properties and protect against atherosclerosis. Due to the high magnesium content, consumption of spinach is recommended for dizziness and recurrent headaches.

Kale, like other cruciferous vegetables, contains a lot of sulforaphane, which is an important antioxidant. It has a strong anti-cancer effect and protects from prostate, lung and colorectal cancer.

Consumption of aloe accelerates wound healing, improves immunity, and also cures allergies. The antioxidants contained in aloe help fight cancer and have a strengthening and bactericidal effect.


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Department of processed products:

Tel: +48 22 343-98-80

Tel: +48 601 869 950

Fax: +48 22 343-98-10



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email: sales@ewabis.com.pl

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