
Onions are very popular vegetables all over the world. Its production in our country remains at a high level. This vegetable is one of our main export goods. Every year, our company, Ewa Bis, sells about 15 tons of onions.

The onion is easily grown and stored. Consumed in many forms, it can be fry, stew, bake, eaten raw. Valued for healing properties and used for the production of e.g. syrups and wraps. In addition, it contains high doses of vitamin C, B6 and manganese.


Yellow, red, peeled


All year round


Sack 1 kg, 2,5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20kg, 25 kg,


40 mm+, 50mm+, 40-60 mm, 50-70 mm, 60-80 mm


Dessert / Industry


EWA-BIS Sp. z o.o.

tel.: (22) 343 98 00

fax: (22) 343 98 10

email: sales@ewabis.com.pl

addr.: 25 Serwituty Str.

02-233 Warsaw

NIP: 521-008-45-08 / KRS: 0000086953 / Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy XIII wydział Gospodarczy KRS / Kapitał zakładowy 100 000 PLN

EWA-BIS Sp. z o.o. - Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone © 2018