
Zucchini has enjoyed unflagging popularity in our country for years. Production grows year on year, just like export. Last year, our company sold 25 tons of this vegetable.

Zucchini is especially appreciated for its taste, it can be prepared in a lot of ways, including frying, stewing, baking, grilling. It tastes great in soups, goulash and salads. It is a good source of folic acid, copper and manganese.


June - September


Carton box 10 kg


18-22 cm, 24-27 cm


EWA-BIS Sp. z o.o.

tel.: (22) 343 98 00

fax: (22) 343 98 10

email: sales@ewabis.com.pl

addr.: 25 Serwituty Str.

02-233 Warsaw

NIP: 521-008-45-08 / KRS: 0000086953 / Sąd Rejonowy dla m.st. Warszawy XIII wydział Gospodarczy KRS / Kapitał zakładowy 100 000 PLN

EWA-BIS Sp. z o.o. - Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone © 2018