Parsley root

Parsley root enjoys unflagging popularity among producers and consumers. Its production has remained at a similar level for several years, and export from year to year is increasing. Last year, our company, Ewa Bis, sold over 20 tons of these vegetables abroad.

Parsley, both leaves and root, are willingly used to prepare soups. In addition, they are great for salads. Parsley sauce contains a lot of vitamins C, B2 and A, as well as folic acid, copper and magnesium. The root, on the other hand, is a rich source of vitamins C, E and manganese.



July - January


Sack 5 kg, 10 kg,
bunch 50 g,
wooden box 1 kg, loose




EWA-BIS Sp. z o.o.

tel.: (22) 343 98 00

fax: (22) 343 98 10


addr.: 25 Serwituty Str.

02-233 Warsaw

NIP: 521-008-45-08 / KRS: 0000086953 / Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy XIII wydział Gospodarczy KRS / Kapitał zakładowy 100 000 PLN

EWA-BIS Sp. z o.o. - Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone © 2018